Stephen Hawking perceives the Universe like a chimp
Gianluca D'AgostinoApril 30, 2010"Extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist and humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact"
Such a statement reveals that behind a big brain there's sometimes a poor little soul. I respect Stephen Hawking's achievements and his scienific goals are certainly impressive but life in the Universe has very little to do with physics and it's actually more related to antropology and evolution. And when I say evolution I mean spiritual evolution. It's simply unbelievable that a man who based his own career on logics and rationalism elaborates a thesis that is completely illogic and irrational.
If "aliens" are much more advanced than us it's simply impossible that they still preserve a selfish instinct.
Only 2000 years after the venue of Jesus Christ, human race on this planet is still struggling for land boundaries, killing each other for natural resources and for any other reason both in the third and in the western world. We destroy forests by logging and in Indonesia they are turning a complex ecosystem into agriculture for palm oil plantations.Why?
Why humans despite they´re well aware of doing something really bad to their race, keep destroying each other and their own planet in which they live?
Because despite what Stephen Hawking and all the scientists in this planet believe, technological evolution IT'S NOT real evolution.
The REAL evolution is only of one kind: it's the Spiritual Evolution.
"Extraterrestrials",(even this name is inappropriate) are certainly more evolved than us and certainly not only under the technological point of view. They are much more spiritually evolved than us. That's for sure. What Stephen Hawking did with his statement was the most common mistake a human being can make: self-projection.
Jacques Lacan, a famous French Psychiatrist of the 50's explained this aspect of human mind very well in his works. In my modest opinion this is one of the most peculiar aspect of human mind, let's say the one that is still pulling ourselves towards the animal instinct rather than our spiritual side.
Projecting ourselves, our image, our values (!!!), our experience to portrait something that is outside of ourselves, it's the most Naïve mistake a human can make. It's what separates ourselves from the real evolution. However it seems very strange to me that Mr.Hawking a world famous scientist never heard anything about extraterrestrials. However the first statement he makes on this subject it's a mere assumption without any research in the background.
Is it possible he never heard of Dr.Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project?Is is possible he never heard of Dr. Dan Burisch and project Acquarius?
Back in 2001 Dr. Steven Greer who represents a panel called "The disclosure Project"that represents more than 500 people who are former NASA employees, scientists,military personnel and ex intelligence officers, they gathered at the National Pres Building in Washington DC and they made a unique statement: being ready to declare under oath that what they testify it's the truth.
Among them there are people who worked in rescue teams specialized in retrieving crashed spaceships, people who witnessed flying discs deactivating nuclear missiles.These stories were actually broadcast even in mainstream media, mostly at the Larry King live, (but never on Discovery Channel and on the National Geographic Channel).
Usually the mainstream media, portrait extraterrestrials as little green men but there's no major mistake than this. Most extraterrestrials are actually human, just like us, the human race is one of the most ancient in the entire universe and one of the most diffused.
Is it possible Mr. Hawking doesn't know anything about all this? I am not surprised of Mr.Hawking's statement though. We are arrived at one point that we cannot keep pretending we are alone in the Universe. Mostly because humanity is becoming more aware and technologically advanced to take a picture of anything in the sky: everyone has a camera, even in his/her cell phone. How can you control such a mass of eyes so focused on taking pictures all over the world? See foreinstance what happened to Jose Escamilla while filming the sky in search of UFOs, he found something that "changed forever the way we accept reality" by discovering the RODS. Rods are a strange phenomenon, they are living creature that fly in the sky at such an impressive speed that regular cameras cannot frame them.
In general, the worst attitude ever regarding ourselves, earthlings, it'sour arrogance in affirming we control reality and that we achieved a high level of scientific knowledge. False.
Because we reached the moon with an engine that will take light years to reach the nearest star? We should step backward regarding what we know.Rationalism and logics are very very limited conception of knowledge.Because they are the fundamentals upon which we based our scientific achievement it does not mean they are an undefeatable mean of knowledge. Certainly we are aware they re not enough.
The self-projection Mr.Hawking made with is statement is really mean and poor.
The assumption that extraterrestrials want to exploit our resources is simply stupid. First of all if extraterrestrials wanted to exploit our resources they would had already done it long time ago. There's no need for them to exploit our resources because we are alredy doing it here pretty well in this field.
Mr. Hawking statement can be defined as stupid, because was made by a man who adopted the most basic instinct of human being: the animal instinct.
Alicia P.Melis, a researcher from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Germany went to Ngamba Island in Uganda to study chimpanzee behavior. In the wild chimps are not in an evolution process because of their selfish attitude, a sort of natural instinct that push them to "exploit" their fellows to achieve food and not to share it. The experiment consisted of two chimps in a cage and food put in front of them outside of the cage. A rope passes along a wood stick where the food is. In order to get the food the chimp needs the help of his fellow. He calls his fellow and they cooperate to get the food. That´s intelligence. However when they get it if this is not enough for both of them, only the alpha fellow between the two get to eat. The second time the food is put on the stick the second fellow do not cooperate because he knows he won´t get any reward. This is where evolution arrests for chimpanzees.
That's exactly the same attitude of Dr.Stephen Hawking: the fear that others from somewhere else, would steal our resources drives him to express and project his fear to the unknown.
"I imagine they as having used up all the resources from their home planet. they will look to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach and raid Earth for its resources"
This is our picture Mr. Hawking, you made a perfect portrait of planet earth and its inhabitants.
The conclusion is just one: we are missing evolution because of our selfish attitude that keeps us away from it. Make no mistake: it's spiritual evolution involved here. Spiritual evolution start by getting rid of our selfish attitude and entering the awareness that we are all part of a unique system: the universe.
Until everyone here on earth will not understand his/her own role in our universe we won't be able to connect to our world in harmony and we won't achieve any evolution, basically we are still chimpanzees.
Danny Wallace made a documentary for BBC called "chimps are people too", suggesting the idea that because we share 99% of our dna why we should not consider them as people too.
Indeed the title made by Mr. Wallace was simply in the wrong way. It should have been: Humans are chimps too.Why?
Because of our selfish attitude and because Mr. Hawking projects this attitude towards an entity he does not know. Pure speculation.That's an aggravating circumstance because it comes from a world famous scientist who, because of this, still demonstrates to keep the instinct of a great ape.
Then we can speculate if his statement was a genuine one or it was whispered by someone else, but that's a sport I do not practice.I prefere to keep myself tight to the facts, that's exactly what Mr Hawking did not.
Indeed he spaced out projecting his selfish attitude to the unknown, demonstrating a very poor spiritual side. We are part of a universe and those who we know as extraterrestrials are spiritually much more evolved than us. Some might say: what about those who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials and as a result of these encounters they got implants? Does it not demonstrate ETs are bad people? Ok what about those veterinarians who take wild animals and implant them with microchips to track them down in order to keep in touch with their movements and keep them in good health?
Unfortunately until we won't be able to accept we are part of a greater system called Universe, until we won´t understand from inside and not because of a law that prevent us to commit killings, that life is a holy gift and because of this we would stop killing ourselves and destroy our planet, we won't be able neither to see an "extraterrestrial"
Mr. Hawking can indeed sleep very well because he won't be able to meet with any extraterrestrial until he would have abandoned his basic primate instinct of a selfish great ape.
Extraterrestrial are evolved beings who do not meet up with killers and selfish people. It's like if Al Gore would decide to have a meeting with a Cobra!!! Unfortunately even if the Universe is really full of life, we are not ready Mr. Hawking, we are not ready to meet up with them and exchanging information or technology because we are considered wild dangerous primates and we are in a sort of quarantine. And we won't get out of it until we stop thinking in a selfish way like wild animals and start to decide to open ourselves to the harmony of the Universe.
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Gianluca D'Agostino
Gianluca D'Agostino is a journalist who worked for major news organizations like CNN and Associated Press. He holds a Ph.D in theory of Information and Communication.
His research focus on the relationship between narratives and marketing in film and television. He was a researcher at Stanford and Visiting Scholar at the University of California Berkeley.
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